The Tea ,there are two kinds , one as "chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea" , one as "the chach-chinese calligraphy and painting poem wine tea".
Can be your mouth dry when the timely water, a big gulp, the important is the throat; Refreshing, quality and tasty are not all that important.
It can also be the slow life of your fine taste, a small sip, the leisure garden, taste the clouds light, the important is the unique quietly elegant and the quality life.
NATURE BUD is devoted to the knowledge of the unique, elegant, and the pursuit of life quality, to looking for the freshest , fragrance bouquet of flowers or the green plant in nature,with the European handmade crafts that have been loss in the dust of history.
L`alber del colore 號稱意大(dà)利最健康的有(yǒu)機染髪奶,是草本領域的科技(jì)黑(hēi)馬,它是意大(dà)利第一款獲有(yǒu)機認證的植物染髪乳。根據植物色學原理(lǐ)萃取最純正的有(yǒu)機色料,牛奶加膠原蛋白染髪之餘深層護髪。 nature bud意大(dà)利美護連瑣店(diàn)在融合了多(duō)年的染髪研究,集合數千萬粉絲的體驗訴求之後,終於推出了“L`albero del colore”這款專攻市場痛點,滿足挑剔美神對染髪追求的美髪寶寶。
每壹縷清香的背後都是壹段不可(kě)複制(zhì)的故事。。。 意大(dà)利nature bud1561商.藝.香魂香氛系列通(tōng)過藝術香薰記錄四百多(duō)年前文藝複興時期的人(rén)文、藝術、建築、愛情故事; 並以文藝複興背後實際贊助者“美第奇家(jiā)族”的起始、興衰、閉幕爲時間軸,從香氛中追憶美第奇家(jiā)族幾代商業掌門人(rén)用財富打造藝術的故事;從聖母百花(huā)大(dà)教堂、烏菲齊宮、洛倫佐教堂,香榭麗舍等著名的建築中感知藝術世界裏香氛的餘溫;從銀匠的精雕細琢裏,從吹制(zhì)玻璃瓶身上(shàng)觸摸時代變遷裏不曾消失的工匠精神;從每壹縷香氛裏感懷商道(dào)與藝術結合的恒久魅力。壹個偉大(dà)家(jiā)族的終結,也是永恒藝術的新生(shēng)......
BottegadiLungaVita was born in 1940 (since1946). It is one of the pioneer brands in the field of beauty care in Europe. It is also the oldest herbal skin care brand in Italy. It is also a well-known cosmetic partner in Europe! BottegadiLungaVita adheres to the brand culture of "respecting tradition, advocating nature and innovating technology". For more than 70 years, it has been researched and developed by generations of scientists, physicians and biologists, providing a series of beauty, skin care, nutrition and health care products for people, from hair to face to body